Now here is a young man standing in his convictions.
He makes some very valid points.
“COVID-19, the pandemic it’s over. We don’t care anymore. The people who wanted the vaccine, they already got it. The people who don’t want the vaccine, we’re still not going to get it. Nothing is going to change. I’m not waiting for permission from Dr. Fauci or Joe Biden or the W.H.O. You don’t rule over me. I’m not your subject. I’m a free citizen in a free country. And you do not get to tell me what to do. In this country, We the People hold the power, and the government does not have the authority to mandate that I do anything and nor does any employer. So you can mandate stuff all day long. We don’t care. We’ll shut the whole thing down. You want to keep the economy running. You better […]
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