Cancel Culture, Shutterstock Cancel culture has become a national phenomenon rife with controversy.
Now, Americans seem to be fed up.
Rasmussen released new polling data that shows the vast majority of Americans believe cancel culture has gone too far. “In the wake of controversy surrounding comedian Dave Chappelle, Americans overwhelming say ‘cancel culture’ is out of control, and believe free speech should be protected against censorship,” Rasmussen said. “A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 72% of American Adults believe cancel culture – a form of censorship that harms the careers and reputations of public figures for doing or saying things that are considered offensive – has gotten out of control. Only 15% disagree, while 12% are not sure.”
Even those in Hollywood, usually associated with far-left politics, have turned against cancel culture. Chrissy Teigen recently lamented cancellation after controversial tweets resurfaced and […]
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