(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) Is anybody still watching baseball? After Major League Baseball made Marxist, race-baiting agitprop a permanent part of its website , and moved the All-Star Game away from Atlanta because Georgia legislators had the temerity to act to prevent voter fraud, numerous longtime baseball fans (me included) turned away from the game. But many Americans apparently still love sports more than they hate Leftist propaganda and the politicization of everything. An astonishing 34,000 people were on hand at Denver’s Coors Field Sunday for a largely meaningless game between two teams that are going nowhere, the Miami Marlins and the Colorado Rockies, and thus were on hand to witness America’s latest racist atrocity: a fan repeatedly shouting “N***er” at a black player. Except, as you may already have guessed, no one shouted any such thing.
On Sunday night, the Rockies posted a statement : “The Colorado Rockies are […]
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