All available data…show that before Castro took power, Cuba was far from being in a disastrous situation. In 1958, the Cuban income per capita was double that of Spain and Japan. Cuba had more doctors and dentists per capita than Britain. Cuba was second per capita in Latin America in ownership of automobiles and telephones, and first in the number of television sets per inhabitant. Cubans could enter and leave the country freely. Fulgencio Battista was a dictator, but Battista’s dictatorship was so “fierce” that Fidel Castro, arrested in 1953 and sentenced to 15 years in prison for a failed coup d’état was pardoned and released by Battista in 1954. Under his own dictatorship, Castro would not have been so lucky.
The Cuban economy was rapidly destroyed. All businesses, until recently, have been state-owned. Wages in Cuba are abysmal; the population is effectively destitute. The average monthly salary […]
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