The number of Chicago cops set to retire this year could break a record, threatening to leave those still on the force without veteran officers as they attempt to police a city in which they are outnumbered by gang members by a ratio of 9-1 — a divide that threatens to increase even more.
We all of course know that crime in the Windy City is staggering. Every Monday, we see headlines of the dozens of people shot and usually several killed by gunfire from mostly gang violence.
Crime in Chicago is nothing new, especially if you’re a history buff with an interest in Al Capone’s infamous outfit.
But what has changed is that the city is now run by leftists. We’re not talking about tree-hugging liberals, either. We’re talking full-blown, left-wing Marxists who are using America’s cities as a social experiment for their bad ideas.Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot is an empty […]
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