The Arizona Senate held a hearing yesterday with audit officials which revealed mind-blowing discrepancies including over 74,000 more ballots RECEIVED by Maricopa County than the number of ballots sent out.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers demanded decertification of this fraudulent election. Breaking: Arizona State Senator Demands Biden Electors be Recalled to Arizona and New Election Held Following Thursday’s Stunning Audit Revelations When asked about the hand-count of ballots, Doug Logan briefed America on some of the discrepancies that they are finding with duplicated ballots.
TRENDING: Breaking: Arizona State Senator Demands Biden Electors be Recalled to Arizona and New Election Held Following Thursday’s Stunning Audit Revelations Logan showed the discrepancies with an image of the County’s manifest.
He explained that 25,000 ballots set aside for duplication may have had batches of ballots that were counted incorrectly and incorrectly labeled. Doug Logan: So, on the actual […]
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