The running joke among conservatives is that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is anywhere from two to four weeks behind anything that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis does. Whether it’s opening up the state after lockdowns or dropping the requirements for face masks, Abbott waits to see how things play out for DeSantis before deciding to do the right thing.
However, the thing that we must remember is that Governor Greg Abbott is not an actual Conservative. He doesn’t truly believe in our Constitutional Rights. You might be thinking, “But he’s a Republican! He talks about Conservatism all the time, how can you say that he’s not a Conservative?”
My good friend Doni Anthony, host of the upcoming Freedom First Network show The Don is On, explained that while the Conservative PR Machine is making Abbott out to be a true defender of our Constitutional Rights, he’s actually the one who took them away in the first place. Just like the way that the Democrats always work, he provided a solution to the problem that he, himself, actually created.
This creates a bit of tension between the America First crowd when President Donald Trump endorsed Governor Abbott. Many continually ask themselves, “Why did Trump endorse a fake Republican like Abbott?”
There could be several reasons, some good and some bad. It could be that President Trump is cozying up to the RINOs because they are saying the right things to him. Maybe it’s all strategic in order to allow these frauds to expose themselves as the RINOs that they truly are. Or maybe he’s simply doing what Trump always does… implementing the Art of the Deal by gaining power over the GOP by giving up some of his endorsements.
No matter what, however, we as the true Conservatives have to also work for what’s best for our own interests, and right now that is preserving our Constitutional Rights. We can no longer tolerate those who stripped us of those rights illegally. Yes, I said that it was illegal. If it violates the restrictions placed upon the government, it is by definition illegal activity.
Which brings us to the title of this episode of Freedom One-On-One. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is not a Conservative. He’s not a Republican. He doesn’t believe in the Constitution. If he did, he wouldn’t strip away the rights of Texans that the United States Constitution acknowledges are given to us by God. No, this is not the behavior of a Conservative governor, no matter how much spin you put on it.
As Doni Anthony so eloquently stated: Governor Greg Abbott is not a Conservative. He’s a dictator.
New Conservative Network Seeks Crowdfunding Help
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As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going.
Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker
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