It has been conspicuous for a couple of months that Donald Trump Jr was vetting out Rumble. He’s been posting a lot to it and promoting the videos through his other social media accounts. Speculation around conservative circles wondered if he was checking it all out for his father. As it turns out, he was.
Donald Trump has opened a verified account on Rumble and posted a video ahead of his Ohio rally Saturday night. His first video appears to be a teaser of a live stream of the event. Rumble has had livestreaming available for a few months to paid subscribers and seems to have ironed out the kinks that plagued it in the early days.
Here’s his first video, all 5-seconds of it:
Trump’s team has been teasing a play into social media all week. This likely isn’t it, but it’s a start. Trump aide Jason Miller teased more than just a Rumble account:
New social media platform coming soon.
DM me to have your handle reserved!
I’ve already set aside @Crooked for you-know-who. ?
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) June 26, 2021
Trump himself teased some of it with former acting-DNI Ric Grenell. Conservative Brief reports:
He appeared via phone call with Newsmax’s Rob Finnerty and Ric Grenell on Friday and gave an ominous warning to big tech.
“Watch what I do to Big Tech this week,” the 45th President of the United States said in the interview.
“Do you think it’s time to break up Big Tech?” Grennell said to Trump.
“Well, watch next week, because you will see me do something about Big Tech,” Trump said. “And people have wanted me to do it a long time.”
“And it won’t be too surprising,” he said. “They don’t love me to talk about it early. But watch what I do next week on Big Tech. I think you will find it very interesting.”
It could be that Trump is getting set to launch his own social media website, as has long been hinted about and speculated.
Ever since Trump was removed from social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter in early- and mid-January, he and his team have teased their desire to open a new social network of their own. We know there have been major investments made with rumor circulating that the Trump organization is in for over $100 million already. Now, we wait to see the results of their efforts.
Ahead of the rally tonight, Ohio has been a flurry of activity. According to The Epoch Times:
Excitement has been mounting among Republicans in the small northeast Ohio Village of Wellington for former President Donald Trump’s first rally since the 2020 presidential election.
In this rural picturesque town of slightly less than 5,000 people on the doorstep of a Democratic stronghold 41 miles southwest of Cleveland, Trump is expected to pack’em in at the Lorain County Fairgrounds where he’ll be speaking on Saturday.
Trump is returning to the county he flipped from the 2016 election and won by a margin of nearly 4,000 votes against Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election—the first time a Republican won Lorain County since Ronald Reagan.
People from all over the United States have been calling into the Lorain County Republican headquarters in nearby Lorain who want to attend the rally billed as a “Save America” event, according to Don Killinger, Lorain 4-A Voting Precinct Committee member.
Killinger has been tasked with answering the phone at the GOP headquarters leading up to the event.
“The phone hasn’t stopped ringing for two weeks,” said Killinger, a first-year precinct committee member. “People are calling here from New York, Chicago, and Detroit. I’m like what? It’s crazy. This has been exciting because it puts Wellington and Lorain County on the map. It still blows my mind that Trump chose to come to Wellington.”
Wellington is known for the Lorain County Fair, Bonnie Brae Elk Farm, Fort’s Old Town Tavern, and once the home of artist Archibald M. Willard, who rendered the famous “Spirit of ’76” painting of three patriots in 1875.
The painting, which symbolizes the spirit of the American Revolution, was inspired by three men Willard saw marching in a parade on the town square. Two men in the painting are beating a drum, and the other is playing a flute. When the painting was displayed at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, it “stirred the heart of the nation.”
Big Tech has been overstepping its boundaries for years, taking advantage of Section 230 protections while embracing draconian censorship. Donald Trump may be the only person who can truly take them on.
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JD Rucker
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