- Ronnie Cummins, director of the Organic Consumers Association, has been an activist since the 1960s, not only centered on anti-GMO campaigns and sustainable and regenerative agriculture, but also for human rights and labor issues
- His understanding of the natural world and passion to protect it, along with his expertise in political and economic systems, makes him uniquely suited to speak about the truth behind COVID-19 and the ongoing censorship that has kept the truth largely hidden from the public
- The evidence is now overwhelming that SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic are the result of a laboratory release due to dangerous gain-of-function (GOF) research
- Cummins believes we need to close all loopholes to make GOF research illegal, or it’s only a matter of time before another engineered virus is unleashed
- Every facet of society is being targeted as part of the Great Reset, including finances, social structures, food, health and even reproduction
Cummins urges the public “to reunite under the banner of regenerating health, not becoming transhuman objects”
Ronnie Cummins, director of the Organic Consumers Association, has been an activist since the 1960s, not only centered on anti-GMO campaigns and sustainable and regenerative agriculture, but also for human rights and labor issues.
His understanding of the natural world and passion to protect it, along with his expertise in political and economic systems, makes him uniquely suited to speak about the truth behind COVID-19 and the ongoing censorship that has kept the truth largely hidden from the public.
Cummins and I co-wrote the book, “The Truth About COVID-19 — Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports and the New Normal,” which exposes the catastrophic events that have occurred due to what appears to be an engineered coronavirus.
In an interview with Speaking Naturally founder Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., Cummins goes into more details about why he believes COVID-19 is the biggest disaster since the second World War.
“Biofascism is what we’re staring in the face right now,” Cummins said. “And if we’re not careful, we’re going to lose not only our health, our environment, the climate crisis is not going to get fixed, but we’re going to be living in a global state that more closely resembles Communist China than it does a participatory democracy.”1
SARS-CoV-2 a ‘Lab-Released, Lab-Engineered’ Virus
The evidence is now overwhelming that SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic are the result of a laboratory release. While no one thought that in our lifetimes in the U.S. we’d be unable to speak freely and uncensored in many channels, such as online, Cummins believes the truth will come out.
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“If we were in a courtroom, and there was a jury that had been selected based on the fact that they could render an objective judgment, we would win hands down, right now,” Cummins said, due to preponderance of evidence. He stated:2
“They’re making billions of dollars off a lab-released, lab-engineered virus that should have never existed in the first place, and it wouldn’t have if the public had known about this. But they operate in secret and we don’t understand that the military industrial complex is not just a threat of a nuclear war or a conflict escalating into that.
These people are a threat right now with what they’re doing globally. They’re designing things that will make SARS-CoV-2 look less threatening.”
What Cummins refers to is controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research, which refers to studies that enhance the ability of pathogens to cause disease, making them more virulent or easily transmissible, for instance. Because GOF research can be used to make pathogens more readily able to infect humans, it poses major biosecurity risks.
Many experts, including Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and virologist, and Allison Wilson, Ph.D., a geneticist, believe GOF research performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) played “an essential causative role in the pandemic.”3 Verkerk asks Cummins if he thinks SARS-CoV-2 was an accidental escape due to GOF research or a deliberate release, to which Cummins responds that that’s really beside the point — either way, it’s a disaster:4
“Scientists, as we speak, are manipulating the SARS-CoV-2 virus to where it will be able to survive the basic immune response of humans. Just think about this for a minute.
If another version gets out there — whether it’s deliberate or accidental, it’s not going to matter — but it’s a version that’s been souped up to where your natural immune system can’t fight it off, it makes it very difficult to talk about vaccine safety and freedom of choice …
The globalists now see that they can consolidate power and control from what looks like an accidental release. You will be able to do this with other varieties.”
GOF Loopholes Must Be Closed
WHO’s heavily conflicted investigative commission, tasked with identifying the origin of SARS-CoV-2, announced the WIV and two other biosafety level 4 laboratories in Wuhan, China, had nothing to do with the COVID-19 outbreak in February 2021.
Since then, WIV deleted mentions of its collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other U.S. research partners from its website.5 It also deleted descriptions of GOF research on the SARS virus.
The U.S. government has committed to redoubling efforts to look into the real origins of COVID-19. While Beijing has stated that it considers the investigation to be complete,6 a U.S. investigation is expected to examine information from WIV held by NIH, NIAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, EcoHealth Alliance and the National Science Foundation.7
Meanwhile, the Senate passed an amendment to ban U.S. funding to WIV going forward, while another banned U.S. funding for any GOF research in China.8 This is a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t go nearly far enough and will in no way prevent another manmade pandemic because this type of research is being done all around the world, not just in China.
Unless the U.S. government bans GOF research within its own borders, and encourages the rest of the world to ban it as well, there’s nothing to prevent researchers from creating another deadly pathogen that would never have arisen naturally. As Cummins stated, we need to close all loopholes and make GOF research illegal, or it’s only a matter of time before another engineered virus is unleashed.
Cummins even mentions that some evidence suggests HIV may have been a lab release, along with Lyme disease, which he said may be a chemical and biological weapon that escaped.
“It’s here, and the medical establishment first tried to say it was all in your head, then have been very reluctant to look at how complicated the symptoms are and how serious this disease is. And the reason it’s so serious — this is not like other diseases they look at — is because this thing was weaponized to be used in war. It was used in various theaters of the Cold War and the Hot War.”
Terrifying Prediction of Daily Life After Great Reset
Cummins also discusses the other side of the Great Reset, and what might happen socially and politically if the technocrats succeed in taking over. The long-term agenda is not about COVID-19 or even the implementation of a biosecurity state but will be used for the extinction of homo sapiens — the end of humanity as you know it.9
This isn’t conjecture. The notion of transhumanism is being actively researched and explored. In an article titled “Looking Forward to the End of Humanity,” The Wall Street Journal noted that COVID-19 “has spotlighted the promise and peril of ‘transhumanism,’ the idea of using technology to overcome sickness, aging and death.”10
One problem is that, once you give in, you become enslaved by the system, and the very things that make us human — like independence of mind — are gone or rendered useless, because the technocrats control everything. There’s a loss of free will as humans hand over power to technology and biotechnology. Even reproduction as you now know it will be affected. Cummins explained that it’s similar to Communist China:11
“It would look like enlightened capitalism on the surface … but a middle-class person in China doesn’t have any rights compared to the remaining rights we have. You can’t go on the internet in China and find information, period, that the government doesn’t want you to see. It doesn’t necessarily mean we will be poor. We will still have a very large middle class.
There won’t be any jobs for the lower class, but I guess they just figure they’ll give them some sort of token wage, and they don’t seem to care that we’re not going to be able to procreate and reproduce the way we do now if we continue on. It’s a serious matter that we’ve got these chemicals in the environment that are decreasing sperm counts in making it harder and harder for people to have children naturally.
It’s like, well, the elite, the globalists and transhumanists, they don’t care because they are secluded from this and they figure artificial insemination is good for everyone. That way we can control the population and so on.”
Your Financial Life Will Also Be Controlled
Every facet of society is being targeted as part of the Great Reset. The World Economic Forum (WEF), a key promoter of the Reset, has been very vocal about getting rid of cash in the U.S. and moving to a centrally controlled digital currency.12 When and if this occurs, it will act as another layer of control and surveillance.
“We need to educate people about what’s going on in China right now,” Cummins said. “In China, your bank account is connected to your behavior, and if they don’t want you to you’re not going to survive economically.” He added:13
“I don’t think people quite grasp what it’s like, this digital currency controlled by the central banks, by the government. We have to fight this system and realize that surveillance capitalism is not in the future.
It already exists in the United States, and they simply haven’t closed the deal yet as the Great Reset is planning. Things like using cash, buying local, growing local food, building up strong governments — we have to decentralize power.”
Recreating China’s social credit system here in the U.S. is likely easier at this point than anyone would like to think, and probably wouldn’t take long to implement. There are no laws in place to curtail surveillance capitalism, and the only reason it has been able to flourish over the past 20 years is because there’s been an absence of laws against it, primarily because it has never previously existed.
Surveillance has become the biggest for-profit industry on the planet, and your entire existence is now being targeted for profit.
If you want to learn more on this topic, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” written by social psychologist and Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff, is one of the best books I have read in the last few years. It’s an absolute must-read if you have any interest in this topic and want to understand how Google and Facebook have obtained such massive control of your life.
We Need a Participatory Democracy, Not a Great Reset
Cummins urges the public to stop fighting over political terms and ideologies and instead come together toward a participatory democracy, in which people have control over the policies that affect their daily leaves. This would eliminate the dominance of billionaires and corporations, which is the opposite of what the Great Reset is trying to achieve.
“We have to take down the military industrial complex on a global scale as we’re doing this and turn it to pacification and conflict resolution. And I really believe we can do this,” Cummins said. It’s interesting, he pointed out, that a large percentage of police and marines are refusing COVID-19 vaccines, because they’re skeptical not just of COVID-19 but of the elite narrative. The solution will lie in small, local movements preserving their power. According to Cummins:14
“There’s a million different communities in the world. In each one of these communities, we have to organize and take back power … The most important thing is what we’re doing right now in our local regions. If we’re going to have local currencies, cryptocurrencies, that actually work and that can’t be shut down by the government, now’s the time.
But we can’t keep sliding in this direction. We can’t have an internet controlled by billionaires who want a Great Reset and think that we can somehow work around that. We have to take them down. We have to build alternatives, and I believe we can do that.”
This all ties in to the food system, as well, which is also under assault from technocrats trying to usher in synthetic meat and GMOs. But, as Cummins said, “Corporate agribusiness and the genetic engineers have set us up for a biological trigger like SARS-CoV-2, which can magnify and exacerbate the poor health in the population.”
The solution here is healthy, organic, regenerative food and farming, which will bolster the health of the planet, including the Earth itself, via healthier soil, and the humans living on it. This, too, must be done on the local level, via small movements.
Cummins mentions the growing of agave in Mexico, which is being combined with nitrogen-fixing companion tree species (such as mesquite), with holistic rotational grazing of livestock.
The result is a high-biomass, high forage-yielding system that works well even on degraded, semi-arid lands. This agroforestry system reduces the pressure to overgraze brittle rangelands and improves soil health and water retention, while drawing down and storing massive amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).
“We have to regenerate health and regenerate the Earth if we’re going to stabilize the climate,” Cummins said, and “we need to reunite under the banner of regenerating health, not becoming transhuman objects …”15 Truth-telling about COVID is another great start and essential piece to stopping the Great Reset. To learn more, be sure to read the rest of the story in “The Truth About COVID-19.”
- 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15 Alliance for Natural Health International June 10, 2021
- 3 Independent Science News July 15, 2020
- 5 National Pulse May 15, 2021
- 6 The Wall Street Journal May 25, 2021
- 7, 8 The Washington Post May 27, 2021
- 9 BitChute, The Corbett Report June 5, 2021
- 10 The Wall Street Journal June 20, 2020
- 12 World Economic Forum January 2017
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Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker
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