What would you expect in a country where we are now told to be ashamed of who we are and how we should kneel down to everybody else in the world to beg forgiveness? I know I always write about history, but it’s hard not to in a world where everybody acts like they were just born yesterday.
Even the most dyed-in-the-wool, radical, Marxist Democrat has got to look at Joe Biden and say the lights are on, but nobody is at home. His elevator doesn’t quite go to the top floor.
So, it’s obviously not about Joe Biden’s lack of qualifications or his declining mental acuity. The question is how can we look at ourselves in the mirror and say that this is who we are, a country led by a vegetable?
A nation that relishes torturing and killing babies in the womb and that celebrates homosexuality is no paragon of virtue in the first place. Trying to convince them otherwise is like trying to persuade Satan not to act like the devil.
Lately, I am captivated by old videos of President Ronald Reagan who fully understood America’s role in world history and his own. Now, we’re watching a 78-year-old who acts like he should still be in diapers because he may not even be potty-trained yet.
Is it my day to watch him? Oh, darn, I thought it was your day! Did he actually try to talk to the press without a script or a teleprompter? Who unlocked the door and let him out of his playpen in the Oval Office?
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Don’t tell me that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi don’t know this. They are both dirtier than homemade sin and at least one of them is usually tipsy most of the time. But they connived their way to where they are. Neither one is blind, but both have their eyes firmly clenched shut.
Yes, it’s true that the same country that has had presidents named Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln has also had forgettable heads of state named Buchanan and Harding. But none of them was a catastrophe looking for a place to happen like the current guy.
But each of you who is observing the non-being in the White House and saying you don’t care because at least your party controls him should be thinking about the precedent this President sets. It’s no longer four score and seven years ago or ask not what your country can do for you, it’s a guy drawn to all the 4-year-olds in the audience. So, if you’re bringing your own children or grandchildren to see him, obviously there’s something wrong with you too.
Is it Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall? Or is it arguing with Thomas Jefferson’s wisdom that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants? Is this a vision of our Finest Hour or of our Final Hour? Is this an American reincarnation of Winston Churchill or more likely of Neville Chamberlain?
But, Joe Biden didn’t put himself where he is now. You did. If you voted for him, you did. If you rigged the election and stole it from Donald Trump, you did. If you’re a RINO and didn’t uphold your constitutional oath, then you did.
When you go to sleep at night, you might want to pray now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my callousness to take. Forgive me for selling out my country for my own selfishness’ sake.
I’d like to say that America is better than this. Honestly, all I can say is that America once was better than this. We shall soon find out if we still are.
Article by cross-posted from David’s blog.
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Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker
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Yup, that’s the big OUCH/emBAREASSment. Every look at “it” and “the Ho” is super-cringe, seeing the current state of the USSA. BARF.