As vaccine-induced deaths begin to accelerate around the world from the dirty Covid-19 jabs, the mainstream media narrative is shifting to cast blame away from the deadly, blood-clotting inoculations and onto a new, more virulent Covid virus mutation called the “Delta Variant.” This variant is just a cover story for actual vaccine deaths, and “there will be blood” on the hands of the vaccine industrial complex. One of the World Health Organization’s doctors (ring leader) is already warning of “reduced efficacy” (meaning it doesn’t work at all) regarding all these Covid-19 jabs, including mRNA and protein payload injections, being useless against the variants that the vaccines are actually creating and spreading.
Article by S.D. Wells from Natural News.
Covid-19 vaccines make the vaccinated MORE susceptible to catching and dying from mutant “Delta” variant of the Covid-19 lab-made virus
“Delta” Covid is spreading like wildfire across Europe and the United States, and now the “first generation” of Covid vaccines are deemed virtually worthless against it. So how many “generations” of Covid and its variants will there be, and how often? Will Americans need a booster shot every three months, forever? They won’t like that news.
Run for your life… it’s the invasion of the mutants of Covid-19. All vaccinated humans should remain on lockdown, masked and quarantined in their own basement until further notice, as the vaccines have proven to make you weaker, more susceptible to mutant variants of Covid-19. Meanwhile, “Delta” picks up steam, like a hurricane, across the USA.
Covid vaccines suffering a “reduction in neutralization” against the Covid-19 “Delta” and “Beta” variants – Well, you can’t say natural health advocates didn’t warn you
Mutant strains of Covid-19 are immune to all Covid-19 vaccines, the WHO has all but admitted it already. The “Beta” variant is attacking the vaccinated in South Africa right now as you read this. The variants are simply a cover story for all the deaths and blood clots caused by the Covid-19 vaccines, and for the vaccinated sheeple who are STILL catching Covid-19, even after vaccination. It’s obvious, as the WHO scrambles to convince all the fence-riders and absolute non-vaxxers that the vaccines still work, they’re just not as effective as they had hoped. At what? Killing folks?
“The goal of Covax is that we need those who are most at risk to severe disease, and those who are most exposed, to receive those vaccines and to be protected,” a WHO (quack) doctor said. Well you can’t have it both ways. You can’t have all these people who are already fighting back cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s get the Covid-19 vaccines that cause blood clots and heart inflammation; it will kill them. Then they just use fake Covid tests and say they died of Covid, or Delta, or Beta, or some other college fraternity name.
Corrupt WHO doctors say “Double” and “Triple” Covid mutants are on the way to America
Yes, double and triple mutants will further erode the “efficacy” of the whole first wave of dirty Covid-19 vaccines, if it’s possible to reach below zero efficacy. It seems that it is possible, since the mRNA and viral vector jabs make you MORE susceptible to catching and dying from these new, more virulent mutants. So now, Covid-19 vaccine efficacy is a negative percentage, due to risk of catching double and triple mutants.
It’s a whole constellation of mutations rising up inside the variants, claim the WHO doctors, that will totally wipe out all potency of the vaccines. Again, blame the virus for death and destruction, but never the vaccines. Classic “catch and release” fake news.
Of course, now the narrative is shifting and claiming the new mutant versions of Covid are surging in “under-vaccinated parts of the US,” as if they really test for it and have results to share with the medical community and all the truth journalists. Most dirty vax-deniers aren’t going anywhere near a Covid test, because that’s all part of the “reel in” and the bait. They’re all fake or faked positive. Part of the plan. Just another ploy. Another cover story to get more people to get injected with deadly vaccines that the WHO is already declaring obsolete.
Question: Why would anyone in their right mind get a vaccine that will be useless a month later?
Visit if you already got a toxic Covid jab or two and you are experiencing side effects, blood clots or other adverse events. Then tune your internet frequency to for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation. Isn’t it ironic how the mutants are being attacked by mutants?
Sources for this article include:
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JD Rucker
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