Being labeled a “conspiracy theorist” by those using the term as a pejorative has become commonplace for me. The funny part is I was railing against other conspiracy theorists not too long ago, back in my “normie” days when I still thought there was a chance the system could be fixed with enough information getting out to the masses.
I’ll be labeled a conspiracy theorist again for this article despite the fact that it’s 100% true. Much of it is demonstrable. The rest is informed speculation, which is to say we know it’s true without having the clearance to prove it legally. All of it comes down to common sense as well, but I cringe when I realize there just isn’t very much common sense in the world today.
The 2020 presidential election, plus dozens of city and state elections, were stolen. We know this based on careful analysis over the past few months of everything we can get our hands on. From affidavits to videos and from data analyses to anecdotal reports, we’ve come to the conclusion with 100% certainty that massive, widespread voter fraud took place and it was more than enough to swing the elections in the wrong direction.
It’s important that readers understand we’ve put unprecedented efforts into finding and disseminating the information to prove it, but the roadblocks have been insurmountable. To say it’s like David vs Goliath would be apropos because David was only able to win with the support of God Almighty and only God could overcome the concerted effort to suppress the truth in this case.
Through our investigative travels, one common theme kept popping up. It became so ubiquitous that I assumed it was common knowledge that many important members of the Republican Party were directly involved in the conspiracy. It isn’t just Georgia Governor Brian Kemp or Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. There are more Republican hands in this filthy voter fraud pot than I would have ever imagined before, which is why I’m shocked so few seem to realize it. Like I said, we thought it was common knowledge that the reason this was so successful was because Republicans were running cover.
What we now know is that for many of them, it wasn’t by choice. There are three ways to make people do things they don’t want to do: Bullying, Bribery, and Blackmail. The last “B” in the bunch is what turned many Republicans to the dark side. To understand this, let’s put up a little background information.
Republicans were the first ones targeted by the “digital voter fraud” bait. Voting machine companies went to GOP candidates starting in 2002 and gave them ways to win. It ramped up over the years until the Obama era when as many as ten percent of the major Republican candidates who won did so through voter fraud. That’s a tough pill for many Republican voters to swallow, but it’s true. A good writeup by Jennifer Cohn in 2018 details it nicely, focusing on Georgia as the epicenter of voter fraud (imagine that!). Here’s a excerpt, but I recommend reading the whole thing:
The national significance of the contest brought forth a flood of advertising and organization, making it the most expensive House race of all time. The top two contenders were Republican Karen Handel (an anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, pro-gun “Christian”) and Democrat Jon Ossoff (who is pro-choice on abortion, pro-gay rights, and less gun happy than Handel).
But even before the first ballot was cast, election integrity advocates and IT experts were sounding the alarm about the integrity of the race. Georgia is one of just five states that still exclusively uses paperless voting machines. Paperless voting machines are an especially attractive target for hackers because there is nothing to compare against the electronic tally to confirm whether it was manipulated. Thus, the only way to know if a paperless machine has been hacked is to conduct a forensic audit, which courts have consistently refused to allow based on the purportedly proprietary nature of the vendors’ software.
Jumping ahead, here’s another important section in the article:
Like Diebold, ES&S has had its share of publicity. In 1996, Republican Chuck Hagel, a first-time candidate, ran for the U.S. senate in Nebraska and managed to defeat the Democratic incumbent by 15 points, even though pre-election polls had called the race a dead heat.
Hagel “miraculously won virtually every demographic group in the state, including large African American communities that had never previously voted Republican.” Hagel was also the first Republican to win a Nebraska senate race since 1972.
Hagel’s surprising landslide victory raised eyebrows because Hagel had been the chairman of AIS (ES&S’s predecessor) until a few weeks or perhaps even just a few days before he announced his candidacy. Nebraska election officials reported that AIS machines had counted about 85% of the votes in the race.
ES&S has had many reported failures since the Hagel election, as detailed on a startlingly long list (with links to news articles) created by a group called Voters Unite In 2006.
In 2007, a team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a security evaluation of ES&S optical scanners and ES&S touchscreen voting machines and published a report (the “Everest report”), stating that they had found “numerous exploitable vulnerabilities in nearly every component of the ES&S system … These vulnerabilities enable attacks that could alter or forge precinct results, install corrupt firmware, and erase audit records.”
In 2010, the Department of Justice forced ES&S to sell Diebold because the combined company accounted for more than 70% of US election equipment, violating anti-trust laws. In a settlement with the DOJ, Diebold purportedly dissolved, and its assets were split between ES&S and a Canadian company called Dominion Voting.
The following year, an interim election board in Venango County, Pennsylvania commissioned a forensic audit of the county’s 100% unverifiable ES&S iVotronic touch-screen voting systems. The court, county Commissioners, and ES&S eventually shut down the audit (with ES&S threatening legal action against the board members and scientists). But an interim report stated that the scientists had found “evidence that the system was repeatedly accessed by an unidentified remote computer, for lengthy periods of time, on “multiple occasions.”
The same year, a laboratory run by the Department of Energy showed how Diebold voting machines — used by a third of all voters nationwide (at the time), including Georgia — could be hacked via remote control.
By then, Georgia’s governor, Sonny Perdue, had appointed Brian Kemp to the office of Secretary of State, replacing Handel who had left office to pursue an unsuccessful bid for governor.
Kemp expressed no interest in replacing Georgia’s paperless machines, and the national media gave him little grief.
But that has begun to change courtesy of the Georgia 6th District special election in 2017. On March 3, 2017, a little more than a month before the primary, Politico and other national news outlets reported that the FBI was investigating a breach at Georgia’s Center for Election Systems at Kennesaw State University.”
And a few weeks later, equipment “used to check-in voters at the polls” — including a “flash card with a voter list” — was stolen from a parked car.
A concerned national election integrity advocate, Marilyn Marks, filed a lawsuit to compel Kemp to use hand marked paper ballots (counted on optical scanners) in the race. But Georgia Secretary of State Kemp swiftly defeated it on a procedural technicality (sovereign immunity), declaring that the machines are “safe and accurate.”
Kemp assured voters that Georgia’s voting machines could not be hacked because they aren’t connected to the internet. But he omitted to mention that all voting machines, including those in Georgia, must receive programming before each election from centralized election management systems that can and often do connect to the internet.
Kemp also omitted to mention that Georgia uses a single flash drive to upload its election results from a central tabulator to an online Election Night Reporting System and then reinserts the same flash drive into the same central tabulator for the next round of results. Thus, if the flash drive becomes infected with malware from the online reporting system, it could spread the malware to the central tabulator and change the results from each polling place as they are uploaded.
On the night of the primary, Ossoff was poised to win the primary outright with 50.3% of the vote when the counting stopped, causing a stir on social media (and presumably elsewhere):
Nearing the 80% of the votes in and (D) #Ossoff holding on still at 50,3%. … #FlipThe6th #GA06 @cspanwj @CNN @cspanwj
— Maverick™ ? (@spooney35) April 19, 2017
It's been almost an hour, @CNN! Can you show if @ossoff can get past 50.3%?!? #FlipThe6th
— Fab Miss Em (@fabmissem) April 19, 2017
Something smells with this vote count.All websites have 54%. CNN has 77% in which hasn't changed in a hour. Ossoff 50.3%
— Trump's not my Pres (@Nysteveo2AOLcom) April 19, 2017
A really bad look that Ossoff is at 50.3% and suddenly Handel's home county has a mysterious "bad card" issue that stops _all_ counting….
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) April 19, 2017
An hour or so later, CNN announced that there had been a “technical glitch” in Fulton County. According to the local news, the glitch involved a “rare memory card problem.”
When the counting finally resumed around 11:00 p.m., Ossoff’s total had dropped from 50.3% to 48.6%.
Yes, it’s a lot of reading, but it’s important for everyone to understand that the only way they were able to keep so many important players in the Republican Party quiet was to make sure they were complicit in the overall voter fraud conspiracy that has been in place for nearly two decades. They were hooked in and when it came time for people to start asking questions, they had to do everything they could to cover it up for the sake of self-protection.
Lest we forget, Democrats had noticed these discrepancies over the years and were leading the charge to fight digital voter fraud as recently as March, 2020. Then, suddenly, inexplicably, they went silent on the issue right around the time Joe Biden was being installed as the Democratic nominee for president. As NOQ Report noted last November:
Ever since the 2016 election, Democrats on Capitol Hill have been pummeling the voting machine industry and the “big three” companies who control it. They held hearings, sent subpoenas, and made demands incessantly. Then, in March, 2020, they suddenly stopped. What changed?
Some would say that it’s because the election was near and they didn’t want to cast doubts on the results. But that doesn’t jibe with the fact they were yelling and screaming about it prior to the 2018 midterm elections. In fact, they were demanding answers as close as three days prior to the election.
In the latest episode of NOQ Report, Tammy and I explored this topic thoroughly. This was really Tammy’s episode as she did a ton of research on it. I sat back and let her rant most of the time, a refreshing change from our recent shows. What we discovered is that there seems to be a very strong likelihood that Democrats stopped challenging voting machine companies because their freshly revived primary candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, was fresh off a win in South Carolina and showed signs of life.
We believe the vast majority of Democrats and even a few Republicans cut deals to back off their scrutiny in exchange for “help” from voting machine companies like Dominion Voting Systems. The timing was just too convenient.
Here’s how it all went down. This is based in part on speculation, but it’s speculation that has been pieced together from facts that we’ve been able to acquire over the past several months. We were not intending to come up with this. If anything, the hope was to find that Democrats working with globalist elites were behind it all with a handful of Republicans in their pockets to help. What we found is that there are many Republicans involved. Now we know why.
Many powerful Republicans fell for the trap that has been being set over and over again since 2002, a trap that culminated in 2018 when they had all of the right people in place. These Republicans were not told that they would be blackmailed, of course. They thought the voting companies and other entities helping them win elections were doing so to promote the GOP agenda. Instead, it was just a way to get enough of them in the pockets of those who despise the GOP agenda. They’ve been working on behalf of the leftists all along, only pretending to be “conservative” to lure in Republican lawmakers they could then control.
This is why Democrats were fighting so hard all the way up until they were clued into the endgame. The thought they were fighting a vast rightwing conspiracy to keep Democrats out of office when in fact they learned that it was all for them from the beginning. They had to suffer some inexplicable losses like Jon Ossoff’s special election congressional loss in order to have the right people in place to cover up the big theft of 2020. Ossoff is now a Senator.
The reason so many Republicans are opposed to exposing voter fraud is because they would be exposed as a result. They might claim to fight for the GOP and for America, but at the end of they day they’re fighting for themselves.
‘The Purge’ by Big Tech targets conservatives, including us
Just when we thought the Covid-19 lockdowns were ending and our ability to stay afloat was improving, censorship reared its ugly head.
For the last few months, NOQ Report, Conservative Playbook, and the American Conservative Movement have appealed to our readers for assistance in staying afloat through Covid-19 lockdowns. The downturn in the economy has limited our ability to generate proper ad revenue just as our traffic was skyrocketing. We had our first sustained stretch of three months with over a million visitors in November, December, and January, but February saw a dip.
It wasn’t just the shortened month. We expected that. We also expected the continuation of dropping traffic from “woke” Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but it has actually been much worse than anticipated. Our Twitter account was banned. Both of our YouTube accounts were banned. Facebook “fact-checks” everything we post. Spotify canceled us. Medium canceled us. Apple canceled us. Why? Because we believe in the truth prevailing, and that means we will continue to discuss “taboo” topics.
The 2020 presidential election was stolen. You can’t say that on Big Tech platforms without risking cancellation, but we’d rather get cancelled for telling the truth rather than staying around to repeat mainstream media’s lies. They have been covering it up since before the election and they’ve convinced the vast majority of conservative news outlets that they will be harmed if they continue to discuss voter fraud. We refuse to back down. The truth is the truth.
The lies associated with Covid-19 are only slightly more prevalent than the suppression of valid scientific information that runs counter to the prescribed narrative. We should be allowed to ask questions about the vaccines, for example, as there is ample evidence for concern. One does not have to be an “anti-vaxxer” in order to want answers about vaccines that are still considered experimental and that have a track record in a short period of time of having side-effects, including death. One of our stories about the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” causing blood clots was “fact-checked” and removed one day before the government hit the brakes on it. These questions and news items are not allowed on Big Tech which is just another reason we are getting canceled.
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There are more topics that they refuse to allow. In turn, we refuse to stop discussing them. This is why we desperately need your help. The best way NOQ, CP, and ACM readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We are pacing to be short by about $3700 per month in order to maintain operations.
The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. We had 5,657,724 sessions on our website from November, 2020, through February, 2021. Our intention is to elevate that to higher levels this year by focusing on a strategy that relies on free speech rather than being beholden to progressive Big Tech companies.
During that four-month stretch, Twitter and Facebook accounted for about 20% of our traffic. We are actively working on operating as if that traffic is zero, replacing it with platforms that operate more freely such as Gab, Parler, and others. While we were never as dependent on Big Tech as most conservative sites, we’d like to be completely free from them. That doesn’t mean we will block them, but we refuse to be beholden to companies that absolutely despise us simply because of our political ideology.
We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.
As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.
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This much has been obvious since McTurtle in the senate ignored the avalanche of evidence of fraud post Nov 3rd. The only conclusion a rational American could draw from it is that he was the beneficiary of fraud and to expose the fraud in 2020 would expose him and countless other Republicans also benefiting from fraud. At a grassroots level, we need to have these machines thrown into the fire so that all of them can be removed from office.
Amen! McTurtle is responsible for so much cover up in KY. He has his hand-picked boys in every state seat in KY and he even double-crossed Bevin who agreed to play along until Bevin found himself the victim of the voting machines by having his votes flipped on live TV for all to see. Why hasn’t the KY Sec of State held accountable? Where is the KY Attorney General? Answer: They both are McConnell candidates and the SOS has so much baggage and negative press in Missouri before he moved on to become the SOS of KY. Its all a FIX and they continue to fight it! Its going to be a storm of biblical proportions when the truth comes out!
Thanks for confirming what Most folks knew since why before the Day of Election……EVERYONE !!!!! EVERYONE knew the Dominion Voting machines were owned, operated and maintained (Serviced) by the George Soros Family Foundations….. Everyone also knew Soros Cash was behind everything Criminal connected with the Many Election Commissions in all Key States…..Everyone could see very clearly this was going to be a Highly Suspicious Voting process with Democrats screaming for “Mail in Ballots” allegedly because of the Covid Manufactured Pandemic, which Everyone knew was a fake from the first appearance of Dr. Fauci and his Flying Circus….Most Americans that grew up in my Life time can spot a Phony from across the street !!!!! These Folks all knew or suspected the entire Combined Matter was a Charade and they complained…..Whom do they complained to…..their State Representatives or their Senators…..However, as you pointed out , they were NOT AWARE their own Elected Representatives were directly involved in this CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE !!!! Because They were Educated and Raised to believe Elected Officials were Patriotic and sworn to Protected the CONSTITUTION !!!!!
ZUCKERTURD, JACK DORSAY and the GOOGLE KIDS all need to go to PRISON and the RED STATES CAN PUT THEM THERE if they have the balls. 100% ILLEGAL election interference into STATES ELECTIONS.
Thank you DJ for this report. I’ve been guessing at GOP voting corruption for years, but now I have some facts, thanks to you. I knew Kemp was scum, but he is really from the bottom of the barrel of pure sludge. I’m praying these bad actors will be prosecuted someday. But first we must go back to PAPER BALLOTS and the most secure ID and chain of custody rules NOW!
All One has to do is read Bev Harris’s book, “Black Box Voting”, 2004, explanation of “fractional votes” to learn/understand the EVOLUTION of what began as covert electronic election “jacking” AND “UNVERIFIED harvested/stuffed” ballots. Two decades later and the necessity of a both blatant and massive rigging to overcome the Trumpster’s equally massive landslide was required for “Nasty PEWlousy’s” declaration to come true. Even sliden/hiden BS career-long grifter Obiden declared that he “didn’t need your vote” – in-your-face condescension and hubris!
At what point does it become treason?
It’s already treason, we just need to prove it and then start picking the trees to hang them from.
The big divide isn’t between Republicans and Dems anymore. It’s between Conservatives vs Leftists, or as is becoming more clear each day, the beginning of the Battle of Good vs Evil, as foretold in the Bible. Time to choose sides!
Republican John James of Michigan should be in Washington today if it wasn’t for….
Does this cast doubt on Trump’s 2016 Election?
It should cast doubt on ALL elections.
This makes perfect sense now. If you wonder why every time the pro-USA cause seemed poised to prevail, some RINO would step up and put the kebash on it, now you know. If you wonder how the Republican leadership could stand behind the phony Mueller probe, now you know. If you wonder how a Republican Senate could allow a sham impeachment of a popular Republican President to proceed, now you know. Notice: It all started during the Bush years. The same time as the Patriot Act, and the Iraq War kicked in. Remember the disappointment of the base after McCain became our nominee? Romney? The same. Notice these are the same guys that were proud antagonists against Trump. I have been screaming from the mountain top that Republicans were selling out their party and the nation since it became obvious that Mueller was a fraud early on (as exposed Hannity), and now I’m proved correct.
But don’t give Fox News any credit, because the network completely downplayed Hannity’s revelations and never pursued them on the news side. No, every panel on the news side would have establishment Republicans that always treated Mueller as a real investigation and Democrats in full TDS. And when election night came around, they were all in on the steal. We know this from how they handled the election results from Arizona. Even the phony count took days, but they were willing and able to “call” it for Biden immediately when the polls closed. Yeah, right.
If the nation survives this, it will be a miracle.
The rest is informed speculation
How About I share with who ever reads the comments an my fellow American who give a DAMN
FEAR GOD and Take your own Part written by Theodore Roosvelt in 1913
Want to know how truly far back this Take over OF our Republic has been in the works any one any real want to know it is in The BOOK by Roosevelt he called IT THE CHINAFY of our Nation ,HIS word ChinAFY , an today my fellow Americans
it is complete and even so still SO MANY cannot use Informed Speculation to see all the PLAYERS and why because
Trump was Ordained my fellow Americans Clinton died on sept 11 2015 and was not well for months an so The ART OF THE DEAL was brokered by a very stable genius an anyone who see’s an hears clearly all his action show how DEEP the STATE WAS ALL OVER HIS administrations and from the very first so-called budget crise’s it should have been obvious but so few keep looking for the Truth in the HOPE the RAT Catcher hired would do his job
an here is the rub a fairly tail came to life The Pied Piper called TRUMP showed his allengence to the flag of CHINA
and still so damn FEW saw thru the Drama of his coronation when he Visted the ChinA man
BUT a real thing happen on the way to his completing his deal GERMWARFARE and it seems he some how can play a card of I KNOW NOTHING an so many keep marching to his Tune of PATRIOTISM in the hope an change
TRUMP is a Patriot
rump is a PASSIFIST and when you read FEAR GOD and Take your Own Part
My fellow AMERICANS the ol rough rider will cover the PASSIFIST NATURE to a T and TRUMP is clearly ARTIULATED
INFORMED SPECULATION read it an get fighting MAD AT THE HELL that is EVIL in the light of DAY
Every evil articulated in the Declaration is There Again an MORE recreated by Both POOLITCAL bandits
the SOUL-lution is in the first Pargraph it is The only Soul-lution
DISSOLVE THE POOLITCAL BANDS and by exstention every city an state and This FEDCOAT EVIL GOVERNMENT Representives
Uncivil war is here an theses Adults of the MASTER OF LIES are hell bent On KILLING all the AmeriCANS that they can an last but not least HOW they know who cares about Fighting for The Tree of Liberty
Trumps Rallys all had FACE REGONITION TECT used to catalog all who showed up , I was a member of the TEA PARTY and saw first hand the use by easy to see agents of democracy who were all over every rally TAKEN
VIDEO AN THese MEN AN WOMEN were so damn easy to see they , useing INFORMED SPECTULATION
you could tell they had the only job they could get holding a Video camera ,these humans were IDIOTS when engaged for conversation meaning they could not explaine why the took every ones picture AND IT WAS MY job AS A American to keep my fellow AmeriCANS safe AND I DID MY JOB
l put my name to this post useing Freedom of Speech IT IS THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT
WAR is the only options now ,why Because EVIL IS REAL and ONE PEOPLE are the only MANKIND who have the power to control our verify LIVES
GOD GIVING TO THE FEW who Understand The Declaration of INDEPENDENCE
And Have The Common Sense that Thomas Paine articulated
HOLD FAST my fellow Americans until Relieved by GOD
A very uncivil war is here the enemy has been let into to every city an state to bring Undistinguished Destruction ,
Thanks for your outstanding work you’re doing, now, as always. Thanks, Tucker.
Jim O’Mahoney
Trinity County, California had 4 election related cases in the Ca. Appellate Court in 2020.
Two from 2016, 1 from 2017 and 1 from 2020.
ZERO help/response from the State/National R Party, Trump Administration, law enforcement, or the myriad of media (including ‘alternative’ media) we contacted.
2017: Election Fraud and School Bond (completely) illegally placed on ballot. Money was spent from the bond before the case was finished.
Court: Ruled against it all.
2020: Election Official place initiative on the ballot overruling the Board of Supervisor’s vote NOT to place it on the ballot. (The one good supervisor voted “no” which should have kept it off) Election Official acted as the Election Board and a Judge. BTW; The initiatives lone proponent was on the BOS.
Court ruled: MOOT
2016: Nearly every SHALL in the Ca. Election Code and the Constitutions were violated.
Court ruled: Election Official printing her own ballots on a photo copier was a “technical violation” and that SHALL is meaningless.
2016: Supervisor used/continues to use County Counsel law firm (Prentice & Long) and hired a second law firm (Churchwell White) with public funds to defend himself in an election contest.
Court: ruling against the People pending.
“Conspiracy Theory” is taught as a reason to reject an idea out of hand. It is taught by those with something to hide, people for whom investigation beyond the explanation which they have provided is a liability. The only people who do reject a theory which runs counter to the “accepted” explanation are either those who wish to conceal something or those weak minds incapable of critical thought aided by an ignorance of history. As often as not, in the halls of great power, history is written in “conspiracies”.
Last I checked, these people are all guilty of high treason and “prison” is not the penalty for high treason.
If voting mattered they wouldn’t let us do it Samuel Clemens