The best proof we’ve seen that demonstrates what many of us have felt for a long time is watching Republican lawmakers and executives distance themselves from President Trump. Some of us have believed the apparent embrace of the President and his policies by leaders in the GOP was manufactured and/or feigned for political expediency only. In other words, people like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham were only pretending to defend the President because they could use him. Now that he seems to be leaving (though some of us aren’t so sure that’s actually the case), they’re scrambling back to the swamp-infested shadows of Republican establishmentism.
Many are calling for the formation of a new party. I’m not completely opposed to the idea if a valid one can be built, and that would require the full backing of President Trump himself. But that’s not my preference. Call me stubborn, but why should we be forced out of the Republican Party by people who are not actual Republicans? Okay, so for complete transparency I’m not technically a Republican. I’m a registered Independent. But I haven’t voted for a Democrat in my life and I can’t imagine voting for a Democrat until after I’m dead and someone steals my ballot. The closest label I have is conservatarian, and that’s not even adequate. I just love America and whatever that means as far as my classification status is up to whoever cares about such things.
The Republican Party should be controlled by, you know, Republicans. President Trump’s brand of politics is populist Republicanism. It’s like standard Republicanism with an America-first mentality that disavows neoconservative principles. It also engages in principles that are not traditionally Republican such as fair trade instead of free trade and bigger budgets than we’d like. I’m not happy with the big budgets, but it seems like there are only six or seven in the House and maybe three in the Senate who actually walk the walk of fiscal conservatism, so that’s a battle for later. Right now, we need to either get a new party going or we need to replace the tired Republican Establishment leadership in the GOP with populist Republicans.
Either option needs to be pushed forward immediately. Perhaps both need to get going until we see which direction, if either, that President Trump is going to go. And that’s the case whether he ends up miraculously correcting the results of the fraudulent election or not. Call me a glutton for punishment but I’m still holding out hope for a miracle before January 20th. If that miracle comes, very little changes with our goals.
No matter who is sitting in the Oval Office on January 20th, the first and only political goal of President Trump’s supporters is to dismantle the Republican Party. If that means a new party, fine. If that means evicting the swamp scum and replacing them with true Trump-supporters, fine as well.
If you’re looking for a plan, I don’t have one yet. I hate being the guy that says “do something” without actually participating in the solution, so needless to say I’m working on something. Not sure what that is yet, but I’ll recognize it when I see it. And if I don’t see it, then we’ll form it. That’s how these things work.
Conservatives are reeling from Big Tech’s sneak attack on us. And by “sneak attack” I don’t mean they were being sneaky. They’ve been telling us for years they were going to take us out eventually and too many of us waited until eventually came. We’re suckers, but hopefully now we’re awake.
Apologies if you were hoping for some great news, but I really don’t care. No offense. But in our complacency we’ve hopefully been stung enough times from the annoying little progressive bees buzzing in our faces for the last few years to realize we can’t rely on McConnell or Graham to do the right thing. We need to revamp the GOP or cut bait and leave.
‘The Purge’ by Big Tech targets conservatives, including us
Just when we thought the Covid-19 lockdowns were ending and our ability to stay afloat was improving, censorship reared its ugly head.
For the last few months, NOQ Report, Conservative Playbook, and the American Conservative Movement have appealed to our readers for assistance in staying afloat through Covid-19 lockdowns. The downturn in the economy has limited our ability to generate proper ad revenue just as our traffic was skyrocketing. We had our first sustained stretch of three months with over a million visitors in November, December, and January, but February saw a dip.
It wasn’t just the shortened month. We expected that. We also expected the continuation of dropping traffic from “woke” Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but it has actually been much worse than anticipated. Our Twitter account was banned. Both of our YouTube accounts were banned. Facebook “fact-checks” everything we post. Spotify canceled us. Medium canceled us. Apple canceled us. Why? Because we believe in the truth prevailing, and that means we will continue to discuss “taboo” topics.
The 2020 presidential election was stolen. You can’t say that on Big Tech platforms without risking cancellation, but we’d rather get cancelled for telling the truth rather than staying around to repeat mainstream media’s lies. They have been covering it up since before the election and they’ve convinced the vast majority of conservative news outlets that they will be harmed if they continue to discuss voter fraud. We refuse to back down. The truth is the truth.
The lies associated with Covid-19 are only slightly more prevalent than the suppression of valid scientific information that runs counter to the prescribed narrative. We should be allowed to ask questions about the vaccines, for example, as there is ample evidence for concern. One does not have to be an “anti-vaxxer” in order to want answers about vaccines that are still considered experimental and that have a track record in a short period of time of having side-effects, including death. One of our stories about the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” causing blood clots was “fact-checked” and removed one day before the government hit the brakes on it. These questions and news items are not allowed on Big Tech which is just another reason we are getting canceled.
There are more topics that they refuse to allow. In turn, we refuse to stop discussing them. This is why we desperately need your help. The best way NOQ, CP, and ACM readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We are pacing to be short by about $3700 per month in order to maintain operations.
The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. We had 5,657,724 sessions on our website from November, 2020, through February, 2021. Our intention is to elevate that to higher levels this year by focusing on a strategy that relies on free speech rather than being beholden to progressive Big Tech companies.
During that four-month stretch, Twitter and Facebook accounted for about 20% of our traffic. We are actively working on operating as if that traffic is zero, replacing it with platforms that operate more freely such as Gab, Parler, and others. While we were never as dependent on Big Tech as most conservative sites, we’d like to be completely free from them. That doesn’t mean we will block them, but we refuse to be beholden to companies that absolutely despise us simply because of our political ideology.
We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.
As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.
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We need a new party. One that is willing to fight. One who can convince 80 million to secede from the GOP and take a new path.
The man who can make that happen is Trump.
OR someone Trump appoints. Gaming this out in my head, I can see him working side-by-side with someone, maybe even Don Jr. or perhaps a fresh face like Marjorie Taylor Greene, to act as his proxy.
We may find he’s more powerful in the private world than he was as President. No restrictions to Citizen Trump.
We tried that with Perot and it got us Clinton. Imagine if H.W. had won and if he had had Perots votes, he would have.
Stop listening to Limbaugh too. He has been a GOP apologist for 25 years!
Rush is sometimes good, sometimes bad, but definitely repetitive. I stopped listening in the 90s.
If it were not for Limbaugh I would be with out thought and reason. Muxh like our today leaders.
Real men with character stay loyal
These are men who stand for something. They are men who stand the test of time
Women have ability to change their mind often real men who are men don’t.
There will be Before Trump and after Trump
Would not want to be a GOP who puts my finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing and go against Trump. He has millions of followers within the next two years he will have millions more. They are called Patriots
I’ve watched the GOp sell us out for 40 years. I’m done. I still am in shock that the so called USA/ Patriots party allowed our republic to fall. They were willing participants In the steal.
I know what you mean, I quit donating to all the republican organizations after 2004. Since then I only donate to the candidate that I support. As a former member of the libertarian party I can tell you a third party does not work. We need to get rid of all establishment republicans and re build the party from the ground up.
That’s where my head’s at right now.
And your head is on straight. Third party upstart approach will set the cause back playing into the hands of the left’s consolidation of power over the next 2 to 4 years. The calls for a third party are not well studied nor by people who involved themselves in republican affairs. Yes there are charlatans and a sinicure building apparat without principle. Instead of emmotionally walking away (they are also stupid enough to want hat ) is not give them what they want, rather replace them and selectively primary the weak hitters and worse.Going third party will put us in the wilderness. In many states it effectively takes 4 years for a new party to get on the ballot and that is crucial OR you are running a write-in campaign and that is a HUGE handicap. First you have to have someone on the ballot in a general election and get a minimum percentage statewide. The next statewide general is two years away. Third partyists will be competing with the barely open window we have to take back the House and Senate perhaps killing the opportunity. Then with that approach you do not even get on the ballot until four years hence. Be smart TAKE OVER THE GOP. Libertarians and Tea Party have had a big influence prior to Trump, paving the way. But it was not thorough and yes we have been fulled by opportunists and charlatons and old guard. This has to be jujitsu within — use the Party’s built in strengths against it. Get involved in the apparat the mundane party aspects, the platform and rules with real performance aspects
No way the GOP needs new leadership. It’s dead. We need
The Republican party is dead.
A true ‘leader’ is very rare and therefore the abandonment of President Trump by many will be a disaster for the Republic. The Democrats / Deep State quite possibly have struck a fatal blow to our nation. I fret that our external enemies will move to finish what was started and collapse the dollar; among other things. My view is that it is President Trump or nobody. It is that serious for the nation.
Need legit 3rd Party. Republican Party reputation is like FOX news
The GOP will cease to exist, in it’s place a party that actually cares about America will rise!!
I think you must be me… but somewhere else and with a blog. Sadly, no miracle will come before the 20th. Sigh.. not that I believe in miracles but America could use one right now.
So much nonsense. Trump has provided the most effective leadership for the party in recent history. The party needs people who will concede that the way to win elections is to listen to the voice of the people rather than trying to denigrate them by calling them populist. Get over it. Trump is the leader of the Republican Party. If you can’t accept that fact, form a third party.
Good. Because patriots are distancing ourselves from the GOP. The GOP is dead to us. Long live the Patriot Party!
Good article,
I think about 75% of both houses are going bye bye.
Those idiots in Kentucky keep voting for that same old idiot
They have no choice because the Republican party is controlled by Mitch.
The idea that you’re going to reform the party from inside isn’t new. It was tried with Trump, and before him with the Tea Party. It failed.
The reason it failed is because the system is rigged in a million ways (many of them legal). You will lose 85% of your battles, and a 15% success rate isn’t good enough.
The corrupt players at the top of the party will sabotage any effort at reform because they don’t want reform. The solution must start with destroying the GOP, and the easiest way to do that is boycott 2022 and 2024.
(assuming we’re even still allowed to vote by then)
The Democrats took over despite us voting for the GOP, and in many cases with the CONNIVANCE of the GOP. You aren’t actually voting for a different option, you’re just adding a middle man to the failure.
The biggest issue that I see is the uniparty has in all fifty states made ballot access to third parties impossible to achieve unless, literally, billions are spent on gaining enough signatures to put said party on the ballot. Some states have crazy requirements such as the state of Tennessee.
Now check this out. For a political party to gain ballot access here in Tennessee a party candidate for Governor must obtain 5% of the popular vote. Well the only way a third party candidate gets on the ballot is as an independent. All third party candidates for statewide office are listed as independent. So how in hell can you tell which candidate is the green party?, Reform Party?, Libertarian Party?, MAGA Party?. Do you see where this is headed? AND.EACH.STATE.IS.DIFFERENT! In their ballot access!
So in Tennessee to gain access to a political party, it needs to run a candidate with enough money to gain at least 5% of the votes so when they run a presidential candidate, that party is on the ballot just like the uniparty (dem/rep) factions are. Each state has to be addressed differently by the party in question. So the party has to budget billions of dollars to gain ballot access according to each state’s laws. It is rare that any party gains all 50 state’s ballot access.
These are the up hill battles a 3rd party has to overcome. That is why Trump chose to run as a republican. He knew he could not gain enough ballot access to be on the ballot in all 50 states as a 3rd party candidate.
The last candidate that gain a majority of states was Reform Party candidate Ross Perot. He was a trojan horse. Many people signed up for his populist position and the statements he made but he left the race early then came back in. When he left the race the people working for party access to the ballot stopped doing so. The Reform Party, if I recall correctly, only got on the ballot in 45 states. Even so Perot received 15% of the vote. That alone would have guaranteed party ballot access in all 50 states for the next election but they didn’t offer a candidate for that election. The rest, as they say, is history.
Time for McConnell and McCarthy to go. The republican caucus’ in the house and senate need to vote for new leadership. McConnell and McCarthy are tainted by the incident in DC and the constant coverage in the media. They have to go.
The GOP is dead, they just don’t realize it yet.
The only way to get the RNC’s attention is to make it poor. I was a registered republican for 50 years. I am now a registered independent. The RNC will not get one dime from me. I will pick which candidates I choose to support.
The only way to beat the house is to change the environment in which it operates. Changing players is useless unless the structure in which they function changes. The fundamental change happens at the local level first. Look at what the socialists did and copy the playbook but with patriotic Americans in their place.
Hey GOP, we know you are dirty as the democrats and have also benefited from their cheating. We know this was an illegal fraudulent election, which you have now sanctioned. I will never give to your party again. You are against America and only out for your power and money. I hope you all pay a heavy price for your treason. The President did nothing to start a riot, your friends the democrats had their antifa/blm army there. We saw them arrive in buses. You have betrayed the American people and have destroyed the election system in this country by NOT stopping the fraud. We will never forget your treachery. You also may have ended this country forever as it is no longer anything more than a third world country, with third world elections. You have ingrained the cheating into a standard operating system. The example is the Georgia senate election, which followed the same fraud as the Nov. 3rd election. You all rolled over to accept it, including the candidates that you ran. The DNC followers could not think their way out of a paper bag so follow whatever they are told. The RNC have people that think for themselves. If you think we approved of the RNC, you are wrong, we only APPROVED OF DONALD TRUMP. You were voted in to support him and carry out the plans he laid out. We approved of all of his plans and put him in office to fix our country from what you and the DNC have been doing to destroy it. You fought against our President – and you fought against us! We have brains and we remember. We are the intelligent Americans that fight wars, love our country and fellow Americans. It is apparent that the RNC hates us as much as the DNC. Guess what, we are well over half the country. If you truly believe Americans will go along with you, you are delusional, we distrust you. You will NEVER regain the trust you have thrown away.
VERY well said!! I agree totally and without reservation.
Viva La Trump!
It’s obvious we need a new party. As long as there is a GOP there will be backstabbing, feckless, self-serving RINOS. IT’S TIME FOR A DIVORCE. Just as there is NO commonality between fascistic, communist democrats and the conservative Right, there is no commonality between the conservative right and RINOS. Does ANYONE want to remain affiliated with the chinless dinosaur from KY? His ol’ Pol stench permeates the entire GOP. In my mind the GOP is DEAD via self-inflicted suicide. FINISHED.
whether this party or a new one, this is the first step. I’m afraid all hell will break loose if 75 mil aren’t given a path forward soon. I lean toward Trump and his loyal team, whoever that may be, being point on helping to set up a new party. We can invite in those Republicans we wish. I don’t think there will be many who are. I just don’t trust working with swamp creatures anymore.
One last thing, I remember there were about 20 speakers who were supposed to speak at the capitol, but there wasn’t even a stage. What happened to that? Now we have a situation with a million emotional people being pushed forward with nothing to focus on except the capitol building. Were they not allowed to speak there? If so, who stopped them? I feel more and more like it was a setup.
as an addendum to my previous comment, I have read that some of the new republicans are now sounding like rinos. I hope that is not true, but if it is it shows how infectious the swamp really is. No matter, rino leadership is dead to me.
New leadership? Is that a joke? Trump dragged many Republicans’ carcasses across the finish line on his coattails. He also brought out 75 million (and probably more) voters for the party. The party turned its back on him and their constituents. Trump and Trumpism is the future of the GOP as it contains the voters who have now abandoned the flaccid Republican Party.
Republicans. You mean that failed party that DOESN’T EXIST anymore? The TREASONOUS Republican party. The party that his BLEEDING members at a rate so great that they will NEVER be a viable party ever again? THAT failed party whose leadership is in the basement with their popularity?
We NEW independents have NO USE for the DemoRepublicratcan party.
“Your comment is awaiting moderation.”. Meaning you are deciding whether to CENSOR my post or not.How LIBERAL of you!
You may as well say “Your comment is awaiting CENSORSHIP!”.
What happened to my two posts? I didn’t add anything anyone else hasn’t already written, except I asked where the speakers went who were supposed to be at the capitol building. There presence would have probably stopped the resulting attention on the building itself. Were we set up?
The GOP is dead. Too many rinos. Time for a patriot party that aligns with the national vision that Mr. Trump has espoused. I will never contribute one more penny to the GOP, I will reregister as an independent and wait to see what happens.
We need a replacement for the gutless, cowardly, lazy, entrenched “GOP”. The party committed suicide.
The swamp is bigger than we thought. Both parties are in it. Teddy roosevelt started his bull moose party and almost took down the GOP. The GOP showed it’s anti Trump sentiments early on. Trump supporters can take over as a third party and should do so.
Even though you don’t have a plan, I like your strategy. I’ve been toying with joining the Libertarian party. Being a Maryland Republican is such a waste of time. Are you familiar with Maj Toure? I heard him interviewed by Sonny Johnson of Breitbart radio and he is trying to grow the Libertarian party.
Don’t waste you time with the libertarians. Totally ineffective. We need fighters, street smart brawlers.
The GOP is dead. They don’t stand for anything. They are the party of the designated loser. We need a new party that represents the people.
Distancing from Trump, means that the “GOP establishment” is giving the finger to every
person who voted for Trump. “Good Luck”,trying
to win “ANY” election in the future once you
alienate 73 million voters.
The GOP has this machine guarantying life time appointment. Money is the driver. Anyone fine with the way this election was orchestrated is a fool, coward,or a traitor. Take your pick or mix n match. You prove to us this was a fair election. The republic is dead.
Another course would be to form a new movement based on the principles of faith to the Constitution, security (military, border, and internal), good jobs for those willing to work productively (keep jobs in US), sound government (eliminate waste and excessive control and regulation), debt reduction, fixing Social Security and healthcare, and more. Finding leaders to grow such a movement is a challenge, but I favor people like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunes, Andy Biggs, Ron Desantis, Kristi Noem, Marsha Blackburn, Charlie Kirk, Candice Owens, Sara Carter, John Solomon, Mark Levin …
The focus would be to define a clear, concise and comprehensive message of the principles and articulate them effectively to grow large voter support. Each Congressional District should form a group to influence their elected representatives and find good candidates to support to run against unacceptable ones. Nearly all would probably run as Republicans (new party hard).
Joe Biden is a pedophile.
Watch pedophile Joe grope little girl’s breast.
Senile Joe gropes little girl
No truer words have ever been typed in defense of this country.
I know one thing I will not support these old swamp snake RINOS ever again.It is either get rid of these bastards like the Turtle and Grahmnesty or start another party I will never vote for a dem/communist while I am alive never have never will.I agree why should we leave the party?I support Trump not the RINO party.
“GOP leadership is distancing from Trump. The GOP needs new leadership.”
Trump voters aren’t.
But we are distancing ourselves from the GOP. The GOP is a dead man walking…even with “new” leadership. I’ll never vote GOP again.
Trump needs to go scorched earth on the GOP on 20 Jan and form the new party. It could immediately become he biggest party in the country. I see no benefit in trying to triage the GOP…the effort is better spent on building something new. I don’t think you could fix the GOP in a generation…we don’t have that long.
totally agree…..good article
The GOP is dead. They just do not get it yet. Corporations will give them money but the people that voted for the real President, President Trump will not give them a dime. Washington where traitors to Republic reside.
The RINO-cracy has many experienced politicians, but fewer and fewer followers.
The election was stolen. There is nowhere to go to have a redress of grievances. Democrats want to pretend 75 million don’t exist. They existed last Wednesday. And, exist today.
Everyone has known those guys are backstabbing traitors for years. Yet republicans keep electing them because “the most important election of our lifetime” bullshit.
I used to say that Az republicans were no friend of mine if they elect Mccain, who did almost nothing but start wars and fk over the republican base. Now, i’ve moved on. The entire republican party is an enemy of mine. The voters suck. I GUARANTEE you they will reelect Mitt Romney the next time he is up for election. I’m supposed to be in league with the kind of miserable sht that votes for him?
I think two things that must happen:
1) Make sure that Hammer and Scorecard are never used again.
2.) If we can get control of Congress again either through Martial Law or some other means: we must institute and amend the Constitution for term limits. Neither Pelosi or McConnell should have been able to amass so much power. I suspect that McConnell and Graham both had Dominion on their side Democrat or not. Trump should have confisticated the machines sooner.
For your info. The time is set for a historical event to take place in history. The taking down of the GOP and replacing it with a “CONTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC PARTY” The very first thing in this process is a young bright leader needs to step forward. If you so agree, my suggestion would be, Sarah Palin. if so, please take the time to encourage her to do just that.
The following is a letter I sent to Sarah;
Dear Sarah;
My name is Ken, I’m writing you as I have been encouraged to do by ‘HIM”. I’m not an over religious person, although I do from time to time ask “HIM” for guidance. In this case I ask what can an eighty-one-year-old man do to help save our beloved Constitution Republic? It had been several days since the prayer, and last night it was answered. In a dream it came to be. Yes, my dear, it was about you! In it I was asking you for some quidance. However, I never got a answer that I can remember, so here we go.
I probably know more about your written political history as well as anyone. Your lack of support and manipulation (2008 election) from the Republican Party, is the most egregious. However, after that you went to work to start bring about change and if I may say, you did just that! Enter Donald J Trump, the first to be endorsed by no other than Sarah L Palin. Yup it’s your fault. If I may, I would like to digress for a moment.
We briefly met at the Machine Shed (Friday 9/2/2011) as you and Todd came out of the kitchen. Grandma (Bev) and I got there late and were seated way back in a booth be the kitchen door, so luck would have it, we were some of the first to greet you. In the chaos, you spotted grandma, setting by herself in the booth. You parted all those people to introduce yourself to her. That little act of recognition spoke volumes of your character and we both will never forget it. Anyway, back to the point of writing.
I believe yours and Donald’s (75 to 100 million) deplorable followers can save this republic. The time is before you as us, if I may, to rid the burden of supporting a party (Republican) that doesn’t support us. I pray that you can find time (with Todd support) to bring this about and lead this important movement. I know no other better suited and in position at this time in history, bring about saving of this great Constitutional Republic.
For your info. The time is set for a historical event to take place in history. The taking down of the GOP and replacing it with a “CONTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC PARTY” The very first thing in this process is a young bright leader needs to step forward. If you so agree, my suggestion would be, Sarah Palin. if so, please take the time to encourage her to do just that.
The following is a letter I sent to Sarah;
Dear Sarah;
My name is Ken, I’m writing you as I have been encouraged to do by ‘HIM”. I’m not an over religious person, although I do from time to time ask “HIM” for guidance. In this case I ask what can an eighty-one-year-old man do to help save our beloved Constitution Republic? It had been several days since the prayer, and last night it was answered. In a dream it came to be. Yes, my dear, it was about you! In it I was asking you for some quidance. However, I never got a answer that I can remember, so here we go.
I probably know more about your written political history as well as anyone. Your lack of support and manipulation (2008 election) from the Republican Party, is the most egregious. However, after that you went to work to start bring about change and if I may say, you did just that! Enter Donald J Trump, the first to be endorsed by no other than Sarah L Palin. Yup it’s your fault. If I may, I would like to digress for a moment.
We briefly met at the Machine Shed (Friday 9/2/2011) as you and Todd came out of the kitchen. Grandma (Bev) and I got there late and were seated way back in a booth be the kitchen door, so luck would have it, we were some of the first to greet you. In the chaos, you spotted grandma, setting by herself in the booth. You parted all those people to introduce yourself to her. That little act of recognition spoke volumes of your character and we both will never forget it. Anyway, back to the point of writing.
I believe yours and Donald’s (75 to 100 million) deplorable followers can save this republic. The time is before you as us, if I may, to rid the burden of supporting a party (Republican) that doesn’t support us. I pray that you can find time (with Todd support) to bring this about and lead this important movement. I know no other better suited and in position at this time in history, bring about saving of this great Constitutional Republic.
The GOP is now dead. Droves of people will leave the GOPand leave it a hollowed out shell.
In the past the idea of forming a third party seemed like a waste. However we learned that the Republican Party refused to support and fight for their own candidate. They allowed the election to be stolen from Trump. I will never give a dime to a republican candidate again. I will never vote for a Republican candidate again. Why? Because my vote doesn’t count. It didn’t count in this election and it’s not going to count in the future. I wasted my time, money, and vote because the Republican establishment allowed it to be stolen. I will only support Donald Trump or one of his sons or someone who wants to be the Trump Party. If this is not the case I will vote third party, write in, or simply not vote. I refuse to give the Republican Party any power. I don’t care if the Democrat gets in. There is nothing left to be threatened with because everything conservatives are against have been surrendered by the Republicans who never fight.
I lifelong Republican, I formally requested a change of Party from Republican to Independent. There is virtually no difference between the craven desire for power and greed in either Party other than the letters “D” or “R” following their name.
We need to remove them permanently, via natural law. Don’t have to deal with them again, and it is instructive to the others.
I agree completely. Never trusted Mitch the Turtle, Lindsey Gramnesty, or the like (which includes most of the party)_. They’re all weasels.
Good things to think about! Let’s get the swamp out of the Party