I like Tucker Carlson. I sometimes like Sean Hannity. But I’ll never watch them again except in excerpts posted to Rumble. Why? Because they’ll never leave Fox News (unless a future alleged Trump TV offers them enough money) and therefore their messages are fueled by a company that despises my very existence in this world.
Unfortunately, I know I’m in the minority among freedom-loving Americans. You might say, “screw Fox News, I’ll never watch them again,” but you probably will. It’ll start by “just” watching the evening hosts who are generally conservative. You’ll get tired of One America News and Newsmax and whoever else you might be watching right now. You’ll miss the better-resourced productions and broader reach that Fox News has over their persnickety right-leaning competitors.
You’ll probably watch them again, not because you forgive them but because you’re like most Americans. We’re intellectually lazy. Deny it all you want but most of us want to be told what to think. We don’t want to read an affidavit about voter fraud. We’d rather hear it from Tucker who had his staff read through it, though they probably had an intern do the full-read before actually reading a bullet-point breakdown so they could write the copy for Tucker to read so we can digest the morsels. And that’s for a 1-3 page affidavit. Imagine actually having to read a proposed bill. Nobody does that, not even me.
If you’re like me at all, you will never watch Fox News again. Ever. They hate me. If you voted for President Trump, they hate you. But they need you. That’s why they changed up their lineup to deemphasize the news side and put more prime time attention on conservative commentators. Sorry, but that’s not good enough. They actively and enthusiastically participated in the coup that is currently handing the nation over to the whims of the Chinese Communist Party. They could resurrect Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and Calvin Coolidge, give them each an hour in prime time, and I still wouldn’t turn the channel in their direction.
Admittedly, I’d really hope someone would put those shows on Rumble. But I won’t contribute my viewership to the most treacherous media company to ever exist.
One might say, “They’re better than CNN or MSNBC.” No, they’re not. With CNN and MSNBC, you get the enemy’s narrative in a form that’s transparent. They don’t pretend to like us only to attack us later. They attack is directly to our faces. Fox News strategically attacks us and our ideology while our backs are turned so the knife they insert can have maximum effect.
No, I’m not telling you to watch CNN or MSNBC. I don’t. But if I had to watch any of the news channels, it wouldn’t be Fox News. They need to be punished for their betrayal, and that punishment can’t be a few weeks of bad ratings. They must be diminished to the point of irrelevance in conservative spheres. Anything less than exile away from those who share our worldview is incomplete.
If you don’t like One America News or Newsmax, take the time to set up your subscriptions on Rumble, BitChute, and Brighteon. If you MUST use YouTube, so be it. They’re much less impacted by one less visitor than Fox News is when they lose household viewers. But whatever you do, don’t get sucked back into the clutches of Fox News. They’re complicit in everything bad that’s coming to America in the near and distant future.
At no point can Fox News be allowed to return to its pre-betrayal glory. They did everything within their power to make sure Joe Biden would be president. They made that choice. No shakeup in their lineup can change the fact that they did great harm to this nation.
‘The Purge’ by Big Tech targets conservatives, including us
Just when we thought the Covid-19 lockdowns were ending and our ability to stay afloat was improving, censorship reared its ugly head.
For the last few months, NOQ Report, Conservative Playbook, and the American Conservative Movement have appealed to our readers for assistance in staying afloat through Covid-19 lockdowns. The downturn in the economy has limited our ability to generate proper ad revenue just as our traffic was skyrocketing. We had our first sustained stretch of three months with over a million visitors in November, December, and January, but February saw a dip.
It wasn’t just the shortened month. We expected that. We also expected the continuation of dropping traffic from “woke” Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but it has actually been much worse than anticipated. Our Twitter account was banned. Both of our YouTube accounts were banned. Facebook “fact-checks” everything we post. Spotify canceled us. Medium canceled us. Apple canceled us. Why? Because we believe in the truth prevailing, and that means we will continue to discuss “taboo” topics.
The 2020 presidential election was stolen. You can’t say that on Big Tech platforms without risking cancellation, but we’d rather get cancelled for telling the truth rather than staying around to repeat mainstream media’s lies. They have been covering it up since before the election and they’ve convinced the vast majority of conservative news outlets that they will be harmed if they continue to discuss voter fraud. We refuse to back down. The truth is the truth.
The lies associated with Covid-19 are only slightly more prevalent than the suppression of valid scientific information that runs counter to the prescribed narrative. We should be allowed to ask questions about the vaccines, for example, as there is ample evidence for concern. One does not have to be an “anti-vaxxer” in order to want answers about vaccines that are still considered experimental and that have a track record in a short period of time of having side-effects, including death. One of our stories about the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” causing blood clots was “fact-checked” and removed one day before the government hit the brakes on it. These questions and news items are not allowed on Big Tech which is just another reason we are getting canceled.
There are more topics that they refuse to allow. In turn, we refuse to stop discussing them. This is why we desperately need your help. The best way NOQ, CP, and ACM readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We are pacing to be short by about $3700 per month in order to maintain operations.
The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. We had 5,657,724 sessions on our website from November, 2020, through February, 2021. Our intention is to elevate that to higher levels this year by focusing on a strategy that relies on free speech rather than being beholden to progressive Big Tech companies.
During that four-month stretch, Twitter and Facebook accounted for about 20% of our traffic. We are actively working on operating as if that traffic is zero, replacing it with platforms that operate more freely such as Gab, Parler, and others. While we were never as dependent on Big Tech as most conservative sites, we’d like to be completely free from them. That doesn’t mean we will block them, but we refuse to be beholden to companies that absolutely despise us simply because of our political ideology.
We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.
As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.
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I totally agree. I am only concerned as to how long they will allow Tucker to continue exposing the corruption and double standard that exists in the Democrat Party, and our legal system.
Wow. Amen! But, Tucker is watchable because of his intelligence. Laura and Hanniy are necessary and consistent cheerleaders.
I agree with you completely. No more Fox News for me either. I’m watching Newsmax now exclusively. My cable service doesn’t carry OANN so I watch their livestream on the WEB. Here’s the URL if you or your readers are interested. https://123news.tv/one-america-news-network-live-streaming/
Fox news still in business? Haven’t seen them since early November.
I agree 100%. People do tend to go to what they know and are comfortable with. This is a dangerous mistake. I will not be going back to Drudge, Fox, Facebook, Twitter…..
Wow like you read my mind or read this before, I written them for four years screaming at them for their deception claiming like every Rino (Lindsey Graham best example) they feel your pain. They are worse and more dangerous and like me force you to seek alternatives for news. You have a new fan please shine your light in these dark days we need leaders right now and they are hard to find.
Makes sense to me.
I offer my viewing allegiance to no one as I believe it’s all meant to deceive and influence me.
I sometimes watch Maria in the mornings on Fox Business & Lou Dobbs Varney is a scuzz the others are worse. Tucker is like an old …. an ex-girlfriend that is good in the sack …. The visits are brief and to the point …. one wrong word or hint of attitude **CLICK**
Yes. Agreed. I will never watch Fox News again. The betrayal is deep. It will be remembered for a very long time.
I’ve been quite impressed and happy with Newsmax. It wasn’t difficult leaving FOX. After all, they still had Cavuto before this even started.
I am with you 100%. I do feel betrayed, esp. since I was a devoted viewer for so long and thought I could trust them. But then came election night 2020. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing….and then the next day it was confirmed. Fox was fake! I’m done, period. There are several other reliable conservative news outlets. You just have to seek them out. Too bad for Hannity, Tucker and Lou Dobbs,(and a few others). I hope to see them again on another venue but won’t hold my breath on that one.
America is doomed. Chi-com operatives, Antifa, Democrats, Muslo-extremism, and dark marxism are on our front door step. The earthly throne will be soon established for a throne.
Keep slurping SEE-EYE-AYE controlled propaganda and you’ll be blind to TRUTH.
Your salvation is freely provided at anytime.
Jesus Christ is the WAY & the TRUTH & the LIFE. This world shall pass away.
I agree with you! After watching Martha ( who I respected) and Brett on Election night and saw the change , that was the end for me! I watched Sean and Laura, but something just doesn’t seem right! I’m sticking out with some on Newsmax
I dropped Fox News like a dirty shirt a few years and have been a big fan of One America News. I get that they are a small outfit but I like the way they deliver the news. Anyway, no more Fox for me!
Agree 100%. I started leaving after primary 2 years ago. Completely done with them. Newsmax and OAN suffice very well