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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted in an interview that he hasn’t even seen half of the nearly $200 billion in foreign aid that the United States has sent to Ukraine since war broke out with Russia.
According to Ukraineoversight.gov,
As of September 30, 2024, the U.S. Ukraine response funding totals nearly $183 billion, with $130.1 billion obligated and $86.7 billion disbursed.
Congress appropriated $174.2 billion through the five Ukraine supplemental appropriation acts enacted FY 2022 through FY 2024, of which $163.6 billion was allocated for OAR and the Ukraine response. Additional funds of $18.2 billion were allocated from annual agency appropriations and $1.1 billion was allocated from other supplemental appropriation acts.
However, Zelensky says, “We received just over 75 [billion dollars].”
He accounts for this in the “70-something billion-worth of” weapons.
“But when they say that Ukraine, during the war, received 200 billion to support the army, etc., this is not true. I don’t know where all this money is,” Zelensky said. […]
— Read More: www.thegatewaypundit.com
Doesn’t know… oh yea that is exactly why Zelensky has two (2) brand new 79 million dollar yachts and 80% of our USA politicians got millions in kickback bribes. Not all of us are asleep, that is is why we the people voted Trump not to clean but completely and thoroughly sanitize the swamp [Pharisee Jew rulers OUT – Christian Jew leaders IN].