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Over the past several years, global political ideologies have shifted dramatically from left to right. Across Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa, nations that once embraced progressive policies have experienced a surge in right-leaning populism and conservative movements.
Liberal politicians aligned with the Davos-driven global agenda are being replaced by nationalists putting their countries first. Leaders like Javier Milei in Argentina, Viktor Orbán in Hungary, and Donald Trump in the United States have transformed the political landscape, leaving traditional elites scrambling.
The current shift to the right has ushered in Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. A successful Trump presidency could sustain this momentum for decades to come.
This trend continues. Governments in Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom face mounting pressure from right-leaning factions. In the United States, even liberal figures like New York Mayor Eric Adams are echoing Donald Trump’s rhetoric, while progressive prosecutors, such as San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, backed by George Soros, have been voted out of office.
This shift reflects more than political realignment. It signals a broader societal transformation driven by economic instability, cultural upheaval, unchecked immigration, and the political fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. The failed Biden administration serves as a clear example of the transformation underway. […]
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All that glitters is not gold. Just because someone is “right” of center does not make them a good guy.
Trump is owned — lock, stock and barrel — by the foreign zionist death cult. The cult is just another faction of deep state rot. Right now, Trump and Bibi are committing genocide and too many other crimes-against-humanity to count. Trump already engaged in genocide in the US with the mRNA bioweapon.
Milei is tied at the hip with his local rabbi. When he made the obligatory trip to the wailing wall, he cried like a baby because he was so overwhelmed with emotion. Milei disappeared Argentina’s gold bullion in a hush, hush maneuver. He later claimed to move it to obtain interest on it. Where did it go? Perhaps England? The same England that’s hemorrhaging gold right now? Will Argentina ever recover it’s gold? Did Milei receive a “finder’s fee” for the bullion? If so, is that fee now sitting in a numbered account perhaps in the Vatican Bank?
Orban might be a good guy. I have not read that he has any connection to the small hat mafia. One out of three possibly good conservatives in this day and age is not too bad.