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As if anyone needed another reason why Bethel Church is a hive of scum and theological villainy, look no further than an upcoming conference they are putting on, where Benny Hinn will be a keynote speaker.
Bethel Church in Redding, California, the10,000-member monstrosity led by Bill Johnson, is an assortment of false teaching and bizarre charismatic shenanigans. From ‘Little God theology,’ using prophetic Uno cards, going on satanic treasure hunts, teaching that Adam created the animals in Eden, that Michael the Archangel wears tights, that angels sit around the throne of God having “farting contests,” and possessing and using the infamous ‘Honey Barrel,‘ it’s a hotbed of strange fire burning uncontrollably throughout Christendom. (see endnotes.)
The 2025 Holy Spirit Conference, which is taking place at their Cleveland location March 12-14, features:
- Benny Hinn.
- Michael Koulianos: Benny Hinn’s son-in-law and the founder of Jesus Image and Jesus Image Church.
- Jessica Koulianos: Hinn’s daughter and the director of Director of Jesus School.
- John Arnott: a false NAR apostle who was pastored Toronto Vineyard church at the time of the insane and unhinged ‘Toronto blessing,’ as well as the founder of Catch The Fire Network of Churches.
- Steve Witt: Senior Leader of Bethel Cleveland who is part of Harvest Apostolic network. […]
— Read More: protestia.com