Americans need one or more members of Congress to speak out about the horrific facts about COVID vaccines the way a member of the Finland parliament did recently.
In all probability if this was done what would be amazing is that mainstream and corporate controlled social media would ignore what the member said. And that would reveal once again that we are living in a delusional democracy
It is worth your time to read what Ano Turtiainen said because of its outstanding honesty and truth-telling about COVID vaccines. Try to imagine, as you read the excerpts from his speech, the public and media reactions to our elected politicians saying the same explosive things about the COVID vaccines.
Here is a translation of his complete speech:
Honorable Chairman, the committee’s report mentions a wide range of real challenges to Finland’s security. This report however lacks a very serious challenge to the safety of Finland and Finns in our present everyday life. I refer to these so-called COVID vaccines which have also divided our people in two; awake and misguided.
Dear members of the Parliament (MP´s), I will now give you the following information so that you can never again plead ignorance after hearing this information about the risk to which Finnish citizens have been exposed. Finland is currently injecting its citizens with toxins disguised as COVID vaccines.
Listen carefully. None of these injected poisons disguised as COVID vaccines has a marketing licence in Finland but only a conditional marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The terms of a conditional licence state that the authorization is conditional, quote: “The available information must demonstrate that the benefits of the medical product outweigh its risks.”
Secondly, dear colleagues, despite the repetition of the media we have so far officially zero COVID deaths in Finland. According to THL (equivalent to CDC) the official causes of death from the year 2020 will not be published until 2022.
However according to Fimea (equivalent to VAERS) 78 people have died from COVID vaccines in Finland and there are 1,306 serious adverse reaction reports and 3,630 unprocessed reports. About 57% of processed reports are estimated to have serious adverse reactions. The source for this is Fimea (
Thirdly, conditional marketing license for these toxics which are disguised as COVID vaccines also says, quote: ”The applicant must be able to provide comprehensive clinical information in the future.”
Dear colleagues, this text is taken directly from the website of European Medicines Agency (EMA). I have said here many times that this is a human experiment. In violation of the Nuremberg Code, Finns have not been told that this is a human experiment.
Now with this speech, I have made all of you, as well as the media, aware that this is a human experiment and that its results are terrible. By comparison, the previously failed vaccine experiment Pandemrix was stopped with 32 times fewer side effects than what we have now. So, now I ask you all: how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?
Dear colleagues, you are now aware of this extreme severe security threat facing our nation and that the disadvantages from the injections outweigh the benefits. You no longer have a reason not to act to save our nation.
Finally, if you still continue misleading our citizens by telling them for example fairy tales that vaccines are safe and have a marketing license you are intentionally involved in several crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide. Once again, I remind everyone of you here: a crime becomes intentional when it is committed knowingly. Now you are all aware. Thank you.”
-Finnish MP, Ano Turtiainen
Previously he said corona restrictions are about “inciting terror” and “hiding behind a face mask”. He also noted that “The vast majority of deaths are in the elderly over the age of 80, the majority of whom have had one or more long-term illnesses. The deaths are therefore concentrated in the elderly population, ie those who would otherwise die of any other illness such as influenza.” Tough but true thoughts.
Note that it was reported “The Finnish Parliament censored his speech by turning his microphone off and other MP´s were also shouting at him and caused interference for his speech, but he just continued till the end.” This article also said: “Thank God for MP Ano Turtiainen, who is truly representing Finnish people in our Parliament by telling the truth!”
These words have been noticed worldwide because the whole speech has gone viral with a huge number of websites providing it, but not on major big media sites. You can see that by typing his name in any internet search engine.
What is noteworthy is that many experts have said that Finland has managed the pandemic better than its Nordic partners Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and most of Europe. So, one big question is whether Finland really needed to use experimental COVID vaccines.
However, the death rate associated with COVID vaccinations in Finland is about the same as in the US, adjusting for population. But the death rate from COVID itself is just about 10 percent of the US total. In other words, Finland has fared much better than the US.
Note that in Finland about 55 percent of the population has received at least one vaccine dose and younger people are being pushed to get vaccinated. Also, just reported is that “NOT A SINGLE REGION in Finland is any longer in the most serious, community transmission stage of the coronavirus epidemic.”
The point is that the courageous words of the parliament member is very timely. But there is a lot more reason for US politicians to similarly speak out about COVID vaccines.
True, we hear a few courageous physicians speaking truths about the aggressive and coercive push to get all Americans vaccinated and its health dangers. The famous Dr. Peter McCollough has said that normally the FDA would have taken the COVID vaccines off the market because of the high rates of deaths and serious health impacts.
But even though we probably have achieved herd immunity, because roughly half the US population has natural immunity because of prior COVID infections, our anti-medical freedom and despotic politicians and public health officials relentlessly keep pushing those who do not need a vaccine shot to get one. All this as COVID vaccine related deaths and severe health impacts keep mounting.
Though our political leaders are not speaking truth, a few courageous physicians are. A new commentary by two distinguished US physicians have proclaimed important views about the experimental COVID vaccines that the public should take very seriously:
“Some scientists have raised concerns that the safety risks of Covid-19 vaccines have been underestimated. But the politics of vaccination has relegated their concerns to the outskirts of scientific thinking—for now. …the large clustering of certain adverse events immediately after vaccination is concerning, and the silence around these potential signals of harm reflects the politics surrounding Covid-19 vaccines. Stigmatizing such concerns is bad for scientific integrity and could harm patients. …The implication is that the risks of a Covid-19 vaccine may outweigh the benefits for certain low-risk populations, such as children, young adults and people who have recovered from Covid-19. …And while you would never know it from listening to public-health officials, not a single published study has demonstrated that patients with a prior infection benefit from Covid-19 vaccination. That this isn’t readily acknowledged by the CDC or Anthony Fauci is an indication of how deeply entangled pandemic politics is in science.”
Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder, worked on health issues for decades. As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine. As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers. He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years. He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Frontline Doctors.
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JD Rucker
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